rust removal
Sediment filter

Sediment Filter
Foreign substances of above 3㎛~5㎛ removal
Remove any foreign substances entering the home through the old water pipes.
Sediment filter is used for water purifier so it is safe.
double filter structure remove foreign substances more efficient at body part once and at head part one more.

Water Pressure Increase & Water Saving Effect
280 micro hole spray plate 0.22-0.25mm
lonpolis V showerhead produces Negative lon 315,000 ion/cc
Water saving effect 2.5L & water pressure increase

Double Sediment Filter Provide Stronger Removal
Sediment filter is used for water purifier.
It is depth filtration method filters of MELT BLOWN technology which is composed of fine fiber and thick fiber.
Also, It is a filter cartridge and can filter particulate matter that tap water contains various harmful substances invisible to the naked eye, such as rusty water and foreign substances that flow through old pipe.

PP microfilter uses 100% polypropylene This filter is manufactured using the Melt Blown technique and has a multi-layered density structure.
The general type microfilter is divided into EB Filter and WB Filter by difference between internal and external diameter, and various residual plots between 0.5 and 200 microns are produced from 20mm to suit customer need length specifications.

100% Polypropylene
Highly chemical resistant and not subject to organic chemical reactions.
No bubble generation and no linsing required by additive-free production method.
MELT BLOWN Method of Construction
Radiated hypersonic maximizes capture space.
No adhesives and adhesives such as surfactants, synthetic resins, etc.
In-Depth Effects of Multi-Story Density Structure
Pre-treatment process is carried out at the outer layer and precision filtration process is carried out at the inner layer.
Extend life by maximizing water flow.

The set-up filter is a filter made from high-density polypropylene of less than 5 microns, filtered out more than 5 microns of debris and contaminants, which are mounted behind this filter to ensure normal activity of all parts and membrane filters that come into contact with water.
The set filter is a filter centered on mechanical filtration and has excellent effect in removing dirt and complex particles from the water.
The tap water we use contains a lot of sand, iron and other soil ingredients that are invisible.
It also includes a large amount of sludge flowing through an aged pipe or contaminants produced in the pipe.
These kinds of particles belong to a relatively large group of contaminants in the whole of the water, and must be filtered first with a sediment filter to help filter out smaller and finer particles.
Water is drawn out of the filter through the middle passage through the filter on the outer wall.
The multi-structure of a detail increases the water purifier capability, but also helps extend the basic life of the filter itself.
Sediment Filter Used For Water Purifier
It is a cartridge filter that filters particulate matter such as rust, foreign substances, impurities, etc. that can occur in an aged water pipe by forming a fine fiber and thick fiber tissue.

Calcium Sulphate
During the water supply, chlorine is injected for sterilization, and about 1 ppm is left in the water, which is called residual chlorine.
This residual chlorine can also cause odors by making the water taste bad.,
In addition, when combined with various organic materials, it can form carcinogens such as THM, formaldehyde, and chloroform.
Residual active chlorine in tap water, which has a low concentration but strong oxidation power to kill the living cells, can rough the skin and promote aging, dry skin, cause itchy skin diseases, and degrade hair protein to cause hair loss, discoloration and dandruff.
A common way to remove residual chlorine is activated carbon, but this requires sufficient contact time with water, so the volume of the filter is increased and the ability to remove at temperatures above 30°C is significantly reduced.
Calcium sulphate dissolves residual chlorine by reducing force upon contact with residual chlorine, which is turned into a harmless chloride (chlorine ion) in the human body.

The residual chlorine (HCIO) reacts with calcium sulphate (CaSO3)
and calcium sulphate takes oxygen (O) and changes to calcium sulphate (CaSO4).

Calcium Sulphate Chlorine Removal Ball
Named : Calcium sulphate (Auric acid).
Application: Residual chlorine removal (decrease) material, food sterilizer, antioxidant.
Characteristic: As the trace amount is used (0.043g per liter of water at room temperature), the reaction rate is very fast in response to residual chlorine, and the volume per minute is high.
Vitamin C filter
Natural highly concentrated vitamin C antioxidants.
Removal of residual chlorine in tap water.
The lime induce the aging of skin.
Vitamin C is an environmentally friendly acid substance that's why when lime water reacts with vitamin C, does not create calcified residue.

Moisturizing with milk powder and natural glycerin.
Vitamin C's antioxidant action protects damaged skin cells from UV rays and prevents skin aging.
The natural aroma oil is added to the vitamins so you can feel the therapy effect.
Improves atopy and skin troubles by preventing dry skin.

Aroma therapy
It is mixed with the natural scent from plants and the natural vitamin C which helps you relax, refresh and recovery from fatigue.
you can choose the aroma scent that you want it!